
Breed; Husky mix
Age: 11 months old
Gender: Female
Size: Small/Medium, petite for a Husky. Approx 40 lbs
History: Surrendered by family on First Nations could not care for it after she had puppies as practically a puppy herself. Her puppies have been moved to foster care, now it’s time for Sadie to be a pet and get a home.
Temperament: More on the submissive, low end up totem pole, very sweet natured. Very happy to have a home after living outdoors. Enjoys attention from people.
Personality: Lovely, sweet, easy going. Bit shy but coming out of her shell.
Cats: Good
Kids: Good
Needs: Loving attention, walks, dog parks, hiking, running.
Match: A family. She doesn’t like being left alone, she would like someone around for company. Other dogs are good too. Good condo dog or anywhere really! Eager to learn from a kind, low-key, understanding, easy going, calm human.
Favourites: Outdoors, snuggles, hanging on the couch. Security, cozy spots. She is so far beyond living outdoors!