BREED: Great Pyrenees
AGE: 1 to 1.5 year old
SIZE/WEIGHT: Large (but not that large. Small for a Great Pyrenees)
TEMPERAMENT: Very calm and sweet, mellow.
PERSONALITY: Shy due to being homeless and neglected but coming out of his shell.
SOCIALIZATION SKILLS: Good around all dogs, people, cats and kids. An absolute doll that was so insecure but now learning to play and happy to get attention. Arrived with mild PTS due to harsh homeless lonely living conditions.
PETS NEEDS/BEHAVIOURAL INFO: On-going socialization to new places, new things, car rides, dog parks, basic training, a leader. He likes to be with other dogs. Was found full of large burrs from living in bushes, very matted fur and tail. Volunteers are taking him to Pet Planet to get a good brush and bath soon!
BEST MATCH: A home with another big or medium dog would be nice, he was used to another dog as a companion and depressed when he lost his friend.
FAVORITE THINGS: He now loves someone to play with him! He started to run and play with people and dogs, all new to him. He love it! Let’s find him a playful adopter that will take him for walks, runs, dog parks, hikes, around other dogs to visit. He loves being inside now. We had to carry him in, and he adjusted quickly and learned housebreaking fast too. Very smart sweet gorgeous fluffy boy!